Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Is Corruption A Rampant Issue Essay - 1454 Words

Today in modern society, it is not unheard for high-ranking government officials and large societal figure head to take part in the occasional corruption scandal. With convictions ranging from the FIFA organization to the United States president, it is hard to believe that the global community is still intact. Though there are certain types of corruption accepted by a small number of countries, the overwhelming global majority agrees that corruption is a rampant issue which needs to be rectified. Acts of corruption only follow with negative consequences towards the whole of society and therefore must be combatted with a series of preventative measures such as education, law enforcement, and global organizations in order to maintain order and equality. Firstly, what is the definition of corruption? Historically, the word was used to indicate a moral impurity, but as civilizations and cultures progressed, so did the boundaries and extent of corruption. Due to the complexity of this iss ue, there is no single definition, but one of the most widely accepted versions states that, â€Å"Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain† (Holmes, Leslie p.2). This definition is regularly used by the World Bank and other organizations with the intent to encompass a large number of scenarios to identify the highest number of possible cases of corruption (Holmes p.2). Ironically, the premise of defining words falls under the responsibility of education and as result of the lackShow MoreRelatedThe During World War II1567 Words   |  7 Pagesinfrastructure had been destroyed during the war, including electricity and water supply systems, telephone services, as well as the harbor facilities at the Port of Singapore. There was also a shortage of food leading to malnutrition, disease, and rampant crime and violence. 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